Three major conferences are planned during summer and autumn 2024 to mark the anniversary of The Sea of Faith TV series, in Cambridge, London and at Gladstone’s Library, North Wales . Further information about each event below.
1st-2nd July 2024: Don Cupitt and the Sea of Faith, Emmanuel College, Cambridge

This conference, jointly hosted by the University of Cambridge and the University of Edinburgh, will examine the Sea of Faith documentary, explore the six BBC episodes, reflect on Don Cupitt and his work, and consider his legacy.
Keynote speakers:
Prof Steven Shakespeare (Liverpool Hope University)
Prof Linda Woodhead (King’s College, London)
- Conference Fee: £45/Student Fee: £30
- Conference Catering £90
- Bed and Breakfast at Emmanuel College: £62.40 Standard Room/£90 En Suite.
More details and information about registration here
Saturday 20th July 2024: Sea of Faith Network Day Conference, St John’s Church, Waterloo

Faith for Now : Looking back, facing forward
£20.00; more details and Registration here
Friday 2oth Sept 10.45 am- Saturday 21st 2.00 pm: Gladstone’s Library, Hawarden
Listen! – a Discussion of The Sea of Faith
To celebrate forty years since The Sea of Faith was broadcast, Gladstone’s Library is partnering with others to bring about a gathering of those who have been involved in this significant movement. The event intends to ASK, REMEMBER, and THINK about the Sea of Faith legacy and what the future may hold.
Programme details here: https://www.gladstoneslibrary.org/events/events-courses-list/sea-of-faith-conference
Residential and Non-Residential Rates:
Package includes: Tea and coffee as part of refreshment breaks, and lunches and dinner
Single ensuite: £274 (with clergy/student/Society of Authors discount £237)
Double ensuite (both residents at the event) £456 (£408 with discount)
Double ensuite (two residents with one person on the course_ £384 (£336 with discount)
Single occupancy double room £309 (£261 with discount)
To book, please contact enquiries@gladlib.org. Please include your name, telephone number and preferred room type.
Friday 20th September, Gladstone’s Library:
Public Lecture 2pm to 3.15pm : Professor Jeremy Carette (University of Edinburgh)
The Sea of Faith and the Spirit of the Times: The Social Construction of Don Cupitt
This paper will look at the historical and philosophical context of Don Cupitt’s philosophy of religion and the social conditions that made The Sea of Faith possible. It will seek to turn Cupitt’s claim of religious truth as historically constructed and fully human back onto Cupitt himself and understand his own thinking as something made possible by his time. It will explore the ground of his thinking in relation to the key shifts of the 19th century and the platform of his thought in relation to a number of radical theological trends in the 20th century, not least Bishop John Robinson. It will conclude by reflecting on the limits and omissions of The Sea of Faith, in order to understand Cupitt’s 1984 documentary as part of a wider shift in our understanding of philosophy, faith and spirituality.
Individual £10 tickets are available to people who are not attending the full conference. Click here to find out more.